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HIV Talks interview met dr. Graeme Moyle

In deze video (22 minuten) deelt dr. Graeme Moyle (Chelsea & Westminster Hospital, Londen) zijn inzichten op basis van studies, waarin gekeken is naar de verschillen tussen TAF en TDF op gewichtstoename, botmineraaldichtheid, nierfunctie, lipidenprofiel en cardiovasculair risicoprofiel.

Liever lezen wat dr. Graeme Moyle te vertellen heeft? Lees het hier

dr Graeme Moyle

Short biography Dr Graeme Moyle

Dr Graeme Moyle, MD, MB BS, Dip. GUM, has been caring for PLWH since 1988 after receiving his medical degree (MB, BS) from the University of Adelaide in Adelaide, South Australia in 1986 and subsequently doctorate (MD) in 1994. Over the years, Dr Moyle has worked on HIV research since the late 1980s in the field of HIV therapy, drug resistance and pharmacology and has published over 220 original scientific articles as well as reviews and editorials. He is a consultant physician and HIV specialist at the Chelsea & Westminster Hospital in London, U.K., and personally cares for a large cohort of PLWH. He is a member of the IAS core faculty, having also served on the British HIV Association Treatment Guidelines Writing Committee and works with several HIV advocacy and education groups.

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